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The real deal

Future Fortunes

On this Wednesday in the darkness of Nordic winters, the small green kiosk at Mosebacke is defying the ice-cold winds. From a safe distance, you see a red glow decent from shaded windows and the cracks in the dark green building. Candles and Cats with golden pows appear on the cold metal bar arrangement. “Maybe Chinese food” the lady mumbles and tightens her scarf struggling onward against the storm missing out on the opportunity of her lifetime.

Project description

Fortune is something that happens by luck or chance and is out of an individual’s control. Just like when breaking open a fortune cookie, the message inside can never be predicted. But if you could forecast your future by stating your fortune, would it be possible to reverse engineer a path back to the present where you would see that fortune come true?

During Stockholms Design Week Present-Futures took over Mosebacke kiosk into a tea house leaving the stage to a fortune teller. Fresh mint and ginger tea warmed hands and hearts while asking the not-so-ridiculous question of ‘what fortune do you wish to see in your future?’.

300 Fortune cookies were ready to be filled. In a performance, the Present-Future fortune teller extracted the empty fortune slip from a cookie. Visitors were asked to take their future in their hands by writing on the slip their desired fortune. The slips were documented and were inserted back into the cookie. Packed and sealed they made their way to their rightful owners to be used whenever need be.

If you believe enough in the legitimacy of your own claim, then why shouldn’t everyone else believe in it too? We are here to help you plan for chance, so:

“Break cookie in case of emergency.” The rest is up to you.

Project info

Title : Future Fortunes
Year : 2016, Stockholm
Role : Fortune Teller


Is : Helping you to plan for chance
Should be : Tried in a Chinese Restaurant Setting
Will : Never be a Korv Stand