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The real deal

The future is ours



To find space for the potential to unfold, for the factual to expand and the infinite human ability to imagine and recreate the alternative working with Futures is a choice and necessity. In a time of great urgency, we have to find means and measures to take up our role as creators of the tomorrows we desire while finding an agency to avoid the un preferably.

Project info

Title : The future is ours
Year : since ever, forever
Role : Futurist


Is : setting a hook
Should be : uncertain & full of potential
Will : drag us forward


With an artistic & research practise in collaboration with Daniel Daam-Rossi as Present-Futures, we are exploring the concept of “Futures” as tangible interventions and experienceable outcomes. With a strong focus on positioning our scenarios, explorations and speculations in an everyday context, we are shedding light on whether or not the path we are walking down today will lead to a more desirable tomorrow. We realised throughout previous projects how relevant human experience is, pointing to a gap between cognitive understanding and sensing a reality that brings it closer to oneself. Therefore immersive experiences or injection of seemingly functional future artefacts into the present every day are our means of choice to conduct research and create agency through encounters. 

‘’We are forming the structure of the new society within the shell of the old.’ – The preamble to the International Workers of the World Constitution, 1905  

While exploring an alternative to the established, we are activating potential, imagination and ultimately responsibility in people which is at the core of our practice.

Future Thinking

As Lecturer in the field of Future thinking, I’m grateful for collaborations with brilliant minds like Pomme Van Hoof and Fernanda Torre. With workshops and courses, we open a space for curiosity and imagination, to expand on the question: How big is your here? And how long is your now? Within various formats, we explore different timescales and related methods to explore values and perks of long term thinking. Expanding beyond the borders of linear disciplinary thinking, we foster and cultivate divergent processes that thrive in interdisciplinary transcultural collaborations. While hunting for trends and weak signals, students learn to speculate, provoke and rethink beyond the imaginable to envision and create futures that are desirable.